Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
I have had a few questions so far with regards to homework. I will be discussing this during Program Night next Thursday but I wanted to ensure I clarified some things beforehand in case there are any other questions or concerns.
My homework policy is that I do not assign weekly homework sheets. Students are expected to complete assigned work during class time. If something is not done within the expected time frame, then the work will be sent home to be completed. However, if your son/daughter is struggling with a certain concept, I will send home extra practice to help them grasp the specific concept. I have also told the class that if they notice they are struggling with something or would like extra work then they can come and see me and I will provide them with what they need. I may also ask students to check the blog in order to watch a video that will help them the following day or to complete a short activity.
I encourage you to ensure that your son/daughter spends time reading each night. It is a great relaxation activity and it can give you something to talk about. It is also a good idea to have your child read aloud occasionally to help develop oral language skills. This will also allow you the opportunity to ask questions about what your child is reading.
I also encourage all students to practice their math facts nightly. As we have discussed in class, this can include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division and it can be done in many different ways (oral quizzes, flashcards, worksheets, games, etc.). It is something that can be done independently, with a sibling, a parent, a friend, etc. If students know their math facts, it will help to make learning other mathematical concepts simpler.
With regards to students' agendas, I request that students please get their agenda signed each night and I will check it each morning. This is an important means of communication between home and school. Although, this is something that I feel is not the responsibility of the parent/guardian but rather of the student. Students should ensure that they take their agenda home each night and that it is signed by a parent before returning it to school the following day.
If you see written in your child's agenda "Math Facts/Read" it is simply a reminder to do what I have discussed above. If there is something specific that needs to be read or practiced than more details will be provided.
Lastly, our class blog is another way that I will be communicating with parents and posting reminders of important dates and information. I understand that it is difficult to always remember to check the blog so I encourage you to sign up for email notifications by simply submitting your email address on the blog's homepage.
By signing up for email notifications, you will receive an email each time the blog has been updated so that you do not need to worry about missing anything or forgetting to check it regularly. Our class blog is also a great place to see what we are doing. I will be updating what concepts we will be covering in the "Curriculum" section and I will also continue to add various games and links in the different subject areas.
My goal this year is to create a safe learning environment where each student feels comfortable and realizes that making mistakes is a part of the learning process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Miss Hodgins